10 Online work at home

Online work at home
10 Online work at home
With the right skills, you can get a legitimate work to work at home.

Only a few decades ago, the overwhelming majority of employment opportunities were far from profitable. And before the dawn of the Internet, it was much more difficult to sort fraud and real opportunities.

Part of the task "Gotcha" from the past are (P.O.S) systems, secret, "Jobs" medical bills require expensive computer software and manufacturing art that you need to put money before you buy starting materials. And do not forget to take the famous envelope fraud, which was nothing but a pyramid system designed to take money from as large a number of people as possible.

Like the old proverb: "If it sounds too good to be true, it is likely" But it is.?

In 2016, the dubious work at home jobs is still there. But the improvement of technology and the rise of social media has given way to a new wave of jobs that are legitimate. Check out this real work at home jobs for the year 2016 and beyond:

1. Virtual Assistant

With so many companies working mainly or fully online, it is not surprising that many virtual assistants hire them to stay organized administrative tasks and help them completely. According to the International Association of Virtual Assistants, these workers are "independent contractors (from a remote place, usually at home or office) administrative, technical providing multiple customers in a variety of industries support and creation".

Although virtual assistants work very differently, tasks can include compose and respond to emails, create and distribute the related cases, respond to media and business issues, write and create content, and other documents. Check virtual assistant jobs in places like Upwork.com, Zirtual.com, or Freelancer.com.

2. Medical Writing

Although many medical writers work for hospitals or medical practices, most are able to work at home, and at a time or place of your choice. Since his duties include the transcription of recorded medical dictations, a computer, a desk and a helmet, they are usually the only requirements for a medical writing school program completed.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (B.L.S), medical writers earned an average salary of $ 16.63 per hour of national $ 35,490 in 2013, or. Although many medical transcribers are self-employed, many jobs find through your local hospital, medical school, or a community or a vocational school.


According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, most translators do their work at home, often under considerable time pressure. While some require a degree, the most important requirement for translators is, of course, the knowledge of at least two languages.

As the (B.L.S) notes, about 20% of translators were self-employed in 2013 Most are distributed among these sectors: self-employed, scientific and technical services (30%); State, municipalities and private education services (25%); Health care and social assistance (13%); And government (7%)

The national average wage for this race was $ 42,420 in 2013, although 10% of the average employee earned $ 77,140. Browse jobs for translators in places like Upwork.com and Freelancer.com.

4. Web Developer

It is easy to build your own website if you enjoy the many learning possibilities on the Internet for free. However, a large portion of the population does not have their own site is equipped to build, or do not have the time, many people earn their livelihood from websites and blogs for other buildings. According to the( B.L.S), about 25% of the web developers were themselves in 2012, being the ablest to work from home or anywhere with a laptop computer and a fast internet connection.

Better still, the national average salary for web developers was 63,160 $ ??in 2013, with the best 10% earning an average of 110,350 $. And as a rule, we do not need extended work on the ground in this grade. All you need is a post-secondary education, relevant experience and a successful portfolio of sites must be built and managed. There is even an intensive coding bearing designed to teach programming skills in just a few months.

5. Travel Agency

Although demand is expected to be declining over the next decade, there are still opportunities for travel agencies that can use the Internet to attract customers and help them plan their adventures. According to the (B.L.S), the task prospects may be better Travel agencies that offer expertise in some regions of the world, have experience in planning trips or adventures, or focus on group travel.

About 12% of travel agencies were self-employed in 2012, but most of the rest of them worked in the industry reservations services and travel arrangements. Travel agencies have acquired a national average salary of $ 34,530 in 2013.

6. Freelance Writer

More than ever, authors are required to formulate articles, create content, and access creative ideas that fill the pages from almost all pages. And although many large websites have internal authors, a growing number of sites, their content and the hiring of freelance writers and content creators are outsourcing. Experience writing is very useful, but what you really need is the drive, the ambition, and the ability to start a unique look at the events that happen every day.

Sites like Upwork.com and Freelancer.com list of independent stations online, such as Freelancer.com. In order to be hired, you must probably have a portfolio of work to be done, or at least a few sample samples that may be included in your resume.

7. Social Media Manager

Almost all large companies have come to the media side as a way to reach customers directly without paying a lot for TV commercials, print,  and radio. But not all big companies have someone to manage your social network accounts so that more people than social media managers and help companies are marketed has begun to develop their online tracking and expand the area.

Although few data is available for this job at home because it is relatively new, thousands of ads for social media managers can be found on websites such as CareerBuilder.com, Simplyhired.com, and Upwork.com If you have proven experience of social networks and great order tracking, you can even be able to start to directly reach and ask if they need to help companies.

8. Data Collection

A wide range of companies that require workers to introduce multiple data in their systems when the data is used to track inventory or shipments, create business plans or measure performance or production. And from a computer and writing the most important prerequisites for this position are the input data many workers are able to work at home and focus on a schedule that suits their lives.

According to the (B.L.S), data input workers earned a national average salary of $ 28,470 in 2013, while 10% more earned as $ 42,120. Since many jobs are home data entry jobs, you can always have dozens of data entry jobs together in places like Upwork.com, Freelancer.com, and Simplyhired.com, as well as dozens of others.

9. Call Center

Many companies need employees who can answer the phone at any time to help customers and process orders or deal with returns. But since more and more companies are working online, a growing number of these jobs are going to work in the customer care work at home.

Be representative of a home call center requires a computer and may require equipment or special software. A great telephone voice also helps, like any experience in customer support, data entry, retail or administration. Dozens of job listings for call center representatives, including Upwork.com, Freelancer.com, and Simplyhired.com . However, you may also be provided by local businesses in your local newspaper.

10. Blogger

Become a blogger like no other job is to work at home where you come and build it yourself. Worse yet, as they grow and become the vast majority of blogs are zero-dollar for years. In this sense, blogs are not much more than a job at all.

However, there is great potential for the authors who are able to build an audience to the growth of your site and find a way to monetize and start the income. Some of the ways that bloggers include money include affiliate advertising, sponsored publications, Google Adsense and selling the product.

Better yet, having a blog can be a cost-effective way to start their own business, with areas that cost an average of $ 12 per year and hosting costs as little as $ 7.99 per month.

Source: http://www.thesimpledollar.com/10-work-from-home-jobs

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